Become a sponsor of Glastonbury A Better Chance!
Valedictorians ($10,000 and above):
Be at the head of the class!
Named as a title sponsor of our 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Recognized in the Glastonbury Citizen, our newsletter, social media and on our website.
Receive 8 tickets to the celebration.
Seniors ($5000-$9,999):
Just like in school, seniors provide leadership and guidance for our community!
Recognized in the Glastonbury Citizen, our newsletter, social media and on our website.
Receive 8 tickets to the celebration and will be recognized during the evening festivities.
Juniors ($2500 to $4,999):
Juniors are integral and generous supporters of the GABC family!
Recognized in the Glastonbury Citizen, our newsletter, social media and on our website.
Receive 4 tickets to the celebration and will be recognized during the evening festivities.
Sophomores ($1,000 to $2,499):
Sophomores are generous supporters of the GABC family!
Recognized in the Glastonbury Citizen, our newsletter, social media and on our website.
Receive 2 tickets to the celebration and will be recognized during the evening festivities.
Freshman ($500 to $999):
Freshmen are generous supporters of the GABC family!
Recognized in the Glastonbury Citizen, our newsletter, social media and on our website.
Receive 1 ticket to the celebration and will be recognized during the evening festivities.
Friends of GABC (<$500):
Recognized at celebration, in our newsletter, social media and on our website.
By becoming a sponsor, know that you are helping to sustain Glastonbury ABC for future scholars!
If you would like to become a GABC Sponsor, please contact us at info@glastonburyabc.org!